
Protesters breach security, release maggots into Netanyahu hotel

On Wednesday, anti-Israel protesters caused chaos at the Watergate Hotel in Washington, D.C., where Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is staying. The Palestinian Youth Movement claimed responsibility for the disruptions, which included releasing bugs, pulling fire alarms, and leaving mealworms and maggots on banquet tables used by Netanyahu for meetings.

The Watergate Hotel increased security measures ahead of Netanyahu's arrival to keep protesters at bay. A spokeswoman for the hotel confirmed that they were aware of the disruptions and had taken steps to sanitize the property. The hotel also stated that they were cooperating with authorities on the matter.

Michal Cotler-Wunsh, Israel's special envoy for combating anti-Semitism, pointed out that the use of maggots by the protesters was a clear reference to classic anti-Semitic imagery popularized by Hitler and the Nazis. The protesters also claimed to have released crickets on multiple floors of the hotel and pulled fire alarms throughout the night.

In addition to the disruptions at the hotel, protesters dyed multiple fountains near the U.S. Capitol red as Netanyahu was scheduled to address a joint session of Congress. The protesters stated that they wanted to mark the politicians with the "true color of their actions: blood red."

The protests have not been limited to the hotel, as there have been reports of a man outside wearing a keffiyeh threatening violence against Jews and Netanyahu. Additionally, around 200 protesters were arrested after causing a disturbance inside the Capitol's Cannon Rotunda on Tuesday.

The actions of the protesters have attracted attention and condemnation from various sources, with concerns raised about the use of anti-Semitic imagery and the disruption of official events. The situation remains ongoing as authorities work to address the disturbances caused by the protesters.


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